Tuesday, August 18, 2015

How to Fight your Battles

Everyone you see is struggling with something. Weather its a relationship, money, friendship, physical/chronic pain, loss of a loved one, self-worth, ect... we all hide our struggles differently. But its all about how you act when you go through them. During times of hardship a lot of people fall into depression. The estimated amount of people who have depression in the world is 350 million. That is a lot of people who struggle with depression. People who have hard times going though trials often feel like they are alone, that no one understand what they are going through.

Well I'm going to tell you a secret.....

you are not alone

there is someone who has felt all of the emotions that you have ever felt in your life

plus everyone else that has ever lived

and he did it all because he loves you

and everyone else in the world

if you were the only person left on the earth, he would come back and pay the price again just for you.

his name is Jesus.

He lived a perfect life. Always serving others and teaching the gospel to everyone he met, if not by words then by actions. He died for me, you, and everyone else who has ever lived. He did it because you and me are imperfect humans. He willingly volunteered to die for the whole world so that we can have eternal life. He bled from every pore, was nailed to a cross, spit upon, and was despised by many.

But he did nothing to deserve it.

But he did it anyways because he loves us.

God only put us though things we can handle. And whenever we fall, he is always there to pick us up. And when we fall short, he still loves us. If he didn't then why would he send someone to suffer so much for us? He is always there 24/7. He will listen. Sometimes it may feel like you are talking to a brick wall. If it does, then talk out loud. If you fight all of you're battles on your knees, then you will ALWAYS come out a stronger, better person.

He is always there. The only question is will you be there?

- Ashley

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